Actions on our environmental footprint
Data4 has been implementing concrete technical solutions for many years to reduce the environmental impact of our new data centers, as well as existing facilities.
This process involves many Data4 departments as well as our service providers who are important partners in our growth. It is guided by a rigorous methodological framework:
- Monitoring technology and regulatory development;
- Identifying interesting potential solutions;
studying the benefits of these solutions: technical feasibility, environmental impact, etc. evaluated through formalized business cases; - Testing via proof-of-concept verification in the field;
- Implementing solutions fully.
Use carbon-free electricity backed by Certificates of Guarantee of Origin
Since January 2018, 100% of Data4’s data center electricity consumption in France, Italy and Spain has been backed by Certificates of Guarantee of Origin.
So, for each MWh of power consumed by the business, Data4’s energy supplier commits to injecting 1 MWh from renewable energy into the electricity grid.
Optimise water management
Water is an increasingly scarce natural resource: Data4 does not use recycled water or adiabatic cooling systems to optimise our data center cooling systems.
Most of the water consumed at our data centers is used to maintain a constant humidity level in IT rooms available to customers or to make upgrades to our cooling systems, which enables us to achieve a very low WUE.
Optimise waste management and treatment
Waste management and treatment is an essential component of our circular economy model and these activities comply with all current regulations.
Our waste treatment programme naturally involves all our stakeholders: employees, customers, service providers, tenants, visitors, etc. who are committed players on our campuses.
It is consistent with a logic that promotes solutions with the lowest impact to reduce our environmental footprint, as part of the ISO 14001 standard for which we are certified.
Protect the Marcoussis forest
There is a classified forest of more than 70 hectares within Data4’s Marcoussis campus in the Essonne department. With numerous tree species and abundant biodiversity, the site is a valuable natural carbon sink. Just like oceans, bogs, etc., forests are major carbon sinks and play a vital role in reducing the
greenhouse effect and therefore global warming.
By working in synergy with specialised organisations and the relevant public authorities, our objective is to manage this natural resource sustainably through a Plan Simplifié de Gestion to ensure durability.
Participate in global carbon neutrality
While Data4’s priority is to reduce GHG emissions by implementing many initiatives that provide structure as discussed previously, we know it is not possible to eliminate them.
Therefore, Data4 has decided to participate in global carbon neutrality by creating natural carbon sinks.
We made an initial investment to sequester residual emissions from scopes 1 and 2 2 for all our 2021 business activities in Europe.
We chose to work with Fransylva, a major forestry company that has been working for 70 years with more than 50,000 forest owners representing 2.5 million wooded hectares, which is 25% of the private forest surface area in France.
White Papers
CSR report 2023
- Environment: Reducing our environmental footprint
- Territories: Being an engaged stakeholder in our territories
- People: Making Data4 a great place to work
- Governance: Being an exemplary leader in our industry