Data4 Environment
A strong, practical commitment to the environment
Data4Environment brings together 7 concrete actions taken by the company, with ambitious targets for 2030. Through this approach, Data4 is committed to a process of continuous improvement, with rigorous monitoring of an environmental roadmap.
Because a commitment to the environment requires cooperation and the sharing of common frames of reference, Data4 is keen to participate in recognised international initiatives. Data4’s “low-carbon” trajectory has been validated by the Science Based Target initiative (SBTi) to comply with the Paris Agreement which limits global warming to 1.5°C by 2050. The company is also a signatory to the Climate Neutral Data Centre Pact, which brings together European data centre operators and applies the guidelines of the Code of Conduct for Data Centres established by the European Union to improve the sector’s energy efficiency.
Data4 is also a member of the Planet Tech Care initiative, which brings together responsible digital players.
We aim to lead the way in sustainable development, involving all our clients and partners, because it will take a combined effort to solve the digital/environment challenge.
Designing, building and ensuring the operation of our data centers while reducing their environmental impact is an exciting and necessary challenge we are working on with many Data4 employees and long-standing providers.
Jean-Paul Leglaive
Head of QHSE & Sustainable Development

We are committed to helping our customers along their low-carbon pathway
It is important for Data4 to ensure our actions to reduce our environmental impact are effective. It is equally important to provide our clients with indicators to help them follow the same path.
With this in mind, Data4 has developed the Green Dashboard to help customers track their GHG emissions and the environmental footprint of their hosting space and equipment throughout its lifecycle.

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White Papers

CSR report 2023
- Environment: Reducing our environmental footprint
- Territories: Being an engaged stakeholder in our territories
- People: Making Data4 a great place to work
- Governance: Being an exemplary leader in our industry