The DATA4 Campus Model

Campus model

Our data center campuses: A unique way to support your digital development

Data Center operators provide the infrastructure we rely on to make our everyday digital lives possible, whether for work, play, or in government. The need for information technology hosting is skyrocketing as every strata of society rushes to go digital, en masse.

DATA4 has developed a model based on efficient and scalable Data Center campuses, unique in Europe, to support its customers’ growth.

DATA4 Resources


European data centers

Data center - European data centers


Plots for additional buildings

Data center - Plots for additional buildings



Data center - GW


m² IT

Data center - m² IT

One-stop energy
and expertise

By their very nature, Data Centers consume huge amounts of energy, and a reliable electricity supply is critical to the business continuity they guarantee for their customers. This reliability depends not only on the quality of the electricity provided by the energy company, but also the quality of the electrical network within the Data Center.

By grouping together several of our Data Centers on a single campus, DATA4 has secured the resources it needs to invest in a very high quality, secure, underground high voltage energy network (90 kV in Paris-Marcoussis, 132 kV in Milan), with an unrivalled availability rate.

Our Data Center campus model – with its added value services and teams of specialist experts – provides our customers with all of the expertise they need for seamless hosting services, in one single location.

Why choose DATA4:

  • Peerless power supply
  • Speedy, competitive construction lead-times
  • Shared construction and operations costs, through economies of scale
  • Optimised electricity consumption, recycling, mobility, and goods transport

DATA4 Campuses are home to all the energy supply and management expertise you need for optimal availability

connectivity nodes

By grouping several Data Centers – and therefore a large number of customers – together on a single campus, DATA4 transforms them into connectivity nodes where scores of operators meet.

With the rocketing need for connectivity, our campuses are becoming the nerve centres of networks for access to and connections between different cloud services.

Why choose DATA4:

  • A number of completely separate dark fibre infrastructure entry points with access to over thirty Paris Data Centers and around twenty Data Centers in Milan
  • A Carrier Neutral, hyper-connected Data Center, hosting a wide range of access and transportation operators, for more cost-effective connections to your different sites, and the internet itself
  • A Cloud Neutral Data Center with hundreds of direct connections to providers of cloud services in Europe and all over the world

DATA4 Campuses form connectivity nodes for companies, where they have access to more than 220 telecom and public cloud operators

A full range
of expertise

Because IT resources are scarce. Pooling them is more important than ever.

DATA4 provides its customers with technical teams to keep their IT infrastructure in full working order at all times.

By hosting cloud service providers and developers, DATA4 brings its customers into close contact with companies that boast cutting edge expertise, and who can offer high performance computing (HPC) and storage as a service (STaaS) on demand

Why choose DATA4:

  • 24/7 support so that your infrastructure is always online and always looked after
  • Specialist IT experts on-site

DATA4 Campuses are home to providers and developers of cloud services: the cream of the IT industry, bringing you all the services you need.