Data4 accelerates its contribution to global carbon neutrality

On the occasion of the International Day of Forests on 21 March, Data4 provides an update on its current commitments and projects in the area of forest preservation, a key part of its environmental strategy.

The Data4 group has long been committed to a dynamic environmental approach and intends to balance digital transition and sustainable development through its ambitious sustainable development programme, Data4Good. One of the many actions undertaken is to preserve ecosystems and natural resources in the long term.

The group is involved in a partnership with forestry operators, through the Fédération des Syndicats de Forestiers Privés de France, Fransylva Services, in order to contribute to the creation of forest carbon sinks, to the preservation of biodiversity, but also to the protection of soils, the preservation of water and to projects with social and economic benefits.

In this way, Data4 contributes in a very concrete way to the reinforcement of the forest cover, thanks to its financial contribution to various projects bearing the “Low Carbon Label”. Numerous species are planted each year, enabling CO2 emissions to be sequestered in the years to come. These projects make it possible to sequester the equivalent of the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of scopes 1 and 2 recorded over one year for all the group’s activities in Europe


Although Data4’s priority remains the reduction of GHG emissions through the implementation of numerous structural actions, it is not possible to completely cancel them all out.

The group has therefore decided to become involved in a contribution to global carbon neutrality through the creation of natural carbon sinks. This is the work carried out with Fransylva Services, a major forestry player that has been involved for 70 years with more than 50,000 forest owners, representing 2.5 million hectares of woodland, i.e. nearly 25% of the surface area of French private forests.

“The forest is our ally in achieving global carbon neutrality: thanks to their growth, trees absorb carbon through photosynthesis, they produce a material that stores carbon sustainably, and replace fossil materials. At the same time, this forest is suffering from global warming, which is progressing ten times faster than the trees’ natural capacity to adapt, and is threatening the resilience of the French forest and all the biodiversity it shelters every year. Financial support for foresters who adapt, replant and diversify species with humility and passion is essential,” explains Hortense Wiart, Carbon Project Manager at Fransylva.

The ongoing afforestation projects supported by Data4 will, in addition to carbon sequestration, also :

  • Contribute locally to the renewal of the French forest
  • Facilitate its adaptation to climate change
  • Protect biodiversity
  • Provide alternative materials to fossil fuels for construction
  • Developing local employment



During 2022, in order to sequester the equivalent of the GHG emissions of scopes 1 and 2 of the year 2021, Data4 financed two planting projects.

The first planting project carried out in 2022, located in Verneuil (Nièvre department), concerned a project to afforest abandoned agricultural land over an area of 5.5 hectares. This site is located in a PEFC-certified forest, which promotes a balance between the environmental, societal and economic dimensions.

Photo of the planting project in Verneuil

The owner of this land wanted to reconstitute a forest ecosystem on these neglected agricultural plots. This project should eventually produce timber and has many benefits:

  • Socio-economic : 33%
  • Soil preservation : 100%
  • Biodiversity : 87.5%
  • Water : 8%

Data4 financed 98% of the tonnes sequestered by the project, i.e. 1760 TCO2. In total, 9802 trees were planted. The variety of tree species, the leafy borders and the planting of an alley of melliferous fruit trees provide a rather remarkable specific richness for the fauna and flora. In addition, this project has promoted local employment by employing a construction company located 40km from the forest site.

The second planting project carried out in 2022 is located in Saint-Cyr-Le-Gravelais (Mayenne department). This afforestation project on agricultural land was carried out over an area of 5.3 hectares. Through this project, the owner wished to transform unused grassland into wooded plots in order to produce quality wood. The benefits are numerous :

  • Socio-economic : 30%
  • Soil conservation : 50%
  • Biodiversity : 87%
Photo afforestation project on agricultural land in Saint-Cyr-Le-Gravelais

Data4 financed 97% of the tonnes sequestered by the project, i.e. 996 tonnes of CO2e. In total, 8400 trees were planted. The wide variety of species planted (oak, downy oak, walnut, medlar, locust, apple and hornbeam) provide a remarkable specific richness for the fauna and flora. In addition, PEFC certification guarantees sustainable forest management.

…AND 2023

Two new plantation projects will be launched in 2023 and will enable Data4 to continue its efforts to sequester the equivalent of the GHG emissions of scopes 1 and 2 in 2022.

The first project selected by Fransylva Services in Saint-Jean-sur-Vilaine (Ille-et-Vilaine department) concerns an afforestation programme on agricultural land of 9 hectares and 26 ares. Planting began this winter 2022; a total of 14,900 trees will be planted. Among the species chosen: 60% sessile oak, 11% beech, 4% red oak, 9% Nordmann fir, 4% chestnut and 0.3% tulip tree.

Carbon storage potential: 1999 tonnes CO2e over 30 years and Data4 has committed to funding 100% of this tonnage.

Received on 5 July 2022, the PEFC label certifies the sustainable management of this forest and promotes a balance between environmental, societal and economic dimensions.

Another benefit of this project is the socio-economic impact, as the site is located close to a forestry company (18km), which promotes local employment.

The second project selected for 2023 concerns the afforestation of 4ha of agricultural land located in Saint-Mars-de-Coutais (Loire-Atlantique department). Planting will start in autumn 2023 and a total of 4800 trees will be planted.

The carbon storage potential is significant: 1100 tonnes of CO2 eq over 30 years and Data 4 has committed to financing 69% of this tonnage, i.e. 760 tonnes of CO2 eq.

Read our CSR report here

Content Manager - Anne-Sophie David

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